Reclined seating and free ticket. Beverages included. Not a bad first train ride
Cape Baby!
Memorial Week Updates
Exercise class
Tummy Time Progress
Hooch Baptism
Grandpa Herb’s Photos
From their visit a few weeks back. A little late but better now then never!
Capturing that ever elusive smile
Blue’s traveler
Helena would rather rock out than get ready for bed
Sporting her jailbird outfit
Dancing, tracking, both?
Helena is starting to get much more attentive lately! Letting her cool off in the GA heat
Botanical gardens visit
Grandma and Grandpa Kessel Visit ATL
More to come soon!
Rock baby to sleep
Super Helena!
“Where’s my sock??” and other great recent highlights
Loving her car seat
Something about riding in the car just puts most babies to sleep – Helena is no different –fortunately! In fact, she likes the seat so much that sometimes we put her in the seat to calm down at home and it works like a charm, as seen below.
Maya threw a surprise party for Andrew and friends got a chance to meet Helena! Everybody commented on her beauty and cuteness and now she’s all pooped out!
Looking back at Abel’s photos for inspiration and came across this one. Can you tell which kessel is which?
Becoming more alert
Bath Improvement
Helena continues to grow and get used to this new world. Every day there is a new thing for her to marvel at and reactions and attention seem to be improving. She seems to also be getting used to the baths more and may even like them!
Pretty in pink
Enjoying our last weekend with the Grand-Parents
Grandpa Solomon plays with Helena, or as they prefer to call her, Isabela
Helena’s Babysitters
Helena has a few extra baby sitters these days during paradise in Georgia, AKA spring.
How a baby is not supposed to sleep
What Helena does most of the time and we are glad when she does
New Digs
Helena has been getting use to her new digs (outside the womb) and on a more micro-scale both her sleepyhead pod and new crib (as seen in pic #2 below).
1 Day 3 Faces
1st Bath-Fail
I think the video speaks for itself
Night Owl
Helena, like her parents, is a night owl. In fact, some nights she doesn’t want to go to bed until after 1 AM or later, and sometimes not at all! It’s not easy but she is adjusting to her new life in the world outside of the womb. After feeds we try to get her to burp, as demonstrated in this video.
Helena’s 1 Week Birthday
Cousins Steve & Peg Freedman came over with deli meats (those were missed during Maya’s pregnancy) and drinks for a beautiful Atlanta spring dinner and to meet the new lady. Helena put on her best behavior as we celebrated.
At the Fayfessel’s
Our niece Havi recently asked, “why didn’t you name her Fayfessel?”
Getting to know each other
Sherlock has been very curious since the moment Helena arrived in our household. He is our new babysitter! The sequence below describes their typical interaction